
interface I3DDeferredRenderPass : I3DBatchedRenderPass, I3DRenderPass, IRenderPass, Protogame.IRenderPassWithViewport

A 3D render pass that uses forward rendering.

bool DebugGBuffer

If set to true, renders the scene as four quadrants with the internal render target state. This can be used to diagnose rendering issues related to colors, normals, depth map or lighting shaders.

bool ClearDepthBuffer

Clear the depth buffer before this render pass starts rendering. This allows you to alpha blend a 3D deferred render pass on top of a 2D render pass, without the 2D render pass interfering with the rendering of 3D objects.

bool ClearTarget

Clear the target before this render pass starts rendering. If your scene doesn’t fully cover the scene this should be turned on (unless you want what was previously rendered to remain on screen). This is on by default.

BlendState GBufferBlendState

The blend state to use when rendering the final G-buffer onto the backbuffer (or current render target). By default this is opaque, which is probably what you want if the deferred rendering pass is the first in the pipeline. However if you’re rendering 2D content underneath the 3D content, you should set this to something like F:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.BlendState.AlphaBlend.