
class VertexChannel : System.Object, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable

Provides methods and properties for maintaining a vertex channel. A vertex channel is a list of arbitrary data with one value for each vertex. Channels are stored inside a GeometryContent and identified by name.

readonly int Count

Gets the number of elements in the vertex channel

readonly System.Type ElementType

Gets the type of data contained in this channel.

System.Object Item
readonly string Name

Gets the name of the vertex channel.

abstract System.Collections.IList get_Items()
void set_Name(string value)
  • value (string) –
public bool Contains(System.Object value)

Determines whether the specified element is in the channel.

  • value (System.Object) – Element being searched for.

true if the element is present; false otherwise.

public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index)

Copies the elements of the channel to an array, starting at the specified index.

  • array (System.Array) – Array that will receive the copied channel elements.
  • index (int) – Starting index for copy operation.
public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()

Gets an enumerator interface for reading channel content.

Returns:Enumeration of the channel content.
public int IndexOf(System.Object value)

Gets the index of the specified item.

  • value (System.Object) – Item whose index is to be retrieved.

Index of specified item.

public abstract System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TargetType> ReadConvertedContent<TargetType>()

Reads channel content and automatically converts it to the specified vector format.

Type Parameters:
  • TargetType – Target vector format of the converted data.

The converted data.

abstract void InsertRange(int index, System.Collections.IEnumerable data)

Inserts the range of values from the enumerable into the channel.

  • index (int) – The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted.
  • data (System.Collections.IEnumerable) – The data to insert into the channel.