
The level reader service provides a low-level mechanism for converting a stream into an enumerable of IEntity.

By default, the implementation bound to this service reads Ogmo Editor levels, although you could rebind this service to a different implementation, and the level manager service would thus be able to load a level format of your choice.

In order to load levels with the default Ogmo Editor reader implementation, you must bind an entity class to the ISolidEntity interface. The reader will instantiate new objects of the bound type for the “solids” layer in the Ogmo Editor level.


On construction of the bound type, it is provided with 4 arguments: the X position x, Y position y, width width and height height of the solid tile. As with automatic factories, the names of the parameters in the constructor must match those listed.

When using tiles in the Ogmo Editor, you must bind tile entities with the appropriate name in the dependency injection kernel so that they can be resolved as the level is read. For example, if you use a dirt tileset in Ogmo Editor that has a name “dirt”, then you need to create the following binding.


On construction of DirtTileEntity, it is provided with 4 arguments; the pixel X position x, pixel Y position y, tile X position tx, and tile Y position ty. As with automatic factories, the names of the parameters in the constructor must match those listed.